"The house was dark and cool, cavelike, scarcely lit by the windows. He took up a book and with it a cold cup of the morning's coffee and went to a chair where light fell through a windowglass and began to read."
"The house was dark and cool, cavelike, scarcely lit by the windows. He took up a book and with it a cold cup of the morning's coffee and went to a chair where light fell through a windowglass and began to read."
"The day drew on, was swallowed in dusk, in silence. No bird called, no insect. Life in abeyance, the world grinding to a halt, who knew what would follow. Light through the glass grew dim but he read on as the passage of day into night was of no moment."
Haven't posted in a while. Crazy busy with college. When I get a few minutes of free time, I work my way through this book. Just finished the first section. Really enjoying it. Happy I found this author. Bought two of his other books, and I'm only 73 pages into this one.