I was into this book the first half then it just fell down from there, I will be continuing this series and if the second book is like this one then I might not read the third book.
I was into this book the first half then it just fell down from there, I will be continuing this series and if the second book is like this one then I might not read the third book.
My next book that I am going to read I hear it kinda mixed so I see how I like it and it free on amazon and free books are always nice
Rating: 0/5
Sadly, I could not finish this book. I really tried. I even took a break and relaxed to start over again. I just couldn't. The plot is totally ridiculous. You have this girl who gets raped/beaten and she is damaged. The main character refuses to leave her side, even though they are complete strangers. I did not finish, the love was forced and the storyline was not progressing. Sorry, bailed.
I don't like Nathan & I don't care about Caitlin. She is raped & tortured but he only wants to have sex with her. The police let him stay around her when I'd be suspicious as hell. She heals faster than humanly possible. There is just so much wrong with this story.