Lots of fun. I felt so wretched for Theo in the last part, even though he messed up. HEA, of course.
Several explicit sex scenes. There's some character insights in them but the plot doesn't depend on it.
Lots of fun. I felt so wretched for Theo in the last part, even though he messed up. HEA, of course.
Several explicit sex scenes. There's some character insights in them but the plot doesn't depend on it.
Finally finished something, I seem to be in the middle of half a dozen books. Couldn‘t sleep last night so read this m/m historical romance novella. I like that one of the characters is a freed slave who discusses his feelings on this issue. But this is a hot and steamy read 🔥🔥 with a nod to the more “traditional “ bodice ripper , so be prepared for some erotica.
I'm on an historical kick at the mo, so I figured it was time to tackle my KJ Charles pile! This novella isn't as instantly gripping as some of her others, but after the sorta-twist (which I felt needed more foreshadowing) it gets tough to put down. I had to know how the heroes would work things out, and Charles grounds the answer in narrative convention; a neat nod to one hero's writerly profession and the other's taste for Gothic fiction.
Prose-and-Coke break.
I've found Diet Coke doesn't bother my stomach as much as regular Coke, but the carbonation still gets to me. I've gotta drink it without food or I'll run out of space for it, and I can't down it quickly unless I wanna feel awful three minutes later. This case of 8 ginger lime cans will probably be my last experiment with soft drinks for a good, long while.
KJ Charles excels at historical m/m romance. WANTED, A GENTLEMAN is a little short for my taste, but still manages a reasonable amount of depth. And in a genre that is so often whitewashed, it was awesome to see a PoC centred.
Full review at http://earlgreyediting.com.au/2017/02/13/wanted-a-gentleman-by-kj-charles/
This is the second book by the author I've read and it was...ok. Not nearly as good as Think of England which I loved.