Good. Slow in parts but when the twists come they are quite good as they come out of the blue as you think the chapter is going one way then it just takes a dramatic turn.
Good. Slow in parts but when the twists come they are quite good as they come out of the blue as you think the chapter is going one way then it just takes a dramatic turn.
This book started out so. Boring. But by the end it seemed to gain some traction.
While the predominant family are white, this book is /fairly/ diverse/inclusive, with:
An older lesbian couple
An interracial couple, with child (and another couple briefly at the end)
A Chinese caregiver
An adopted Chinese child, with a cleft lip
Were they good representations? It's hard for me to say as I'm none of the above, but I'd like to say so.
I'm somewhat bored with this book. I don't really care for any of the characters either, which may be why!
"Sometimes, Kate, you seem as if you're acting instead of feeling real emotion."
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