Just lucked into one of my best Little Free Library finds ever. 😍🥐😋 And certainly the heaviest...Dorie‘s cookbooks are superchunks!
Just lucked into one of my best Little Free Library finds ever. 😍🥐😋 And certainly the heaviest...Dorie‘s cookbooks are superchunks!
Gateau Basque Fantasie (pg 110) - the French version of an apple pie. The dough is really forgiving bc it was so ugly going into the oven. The filling is a combo apples, grapes, pecans, blueberries and oranges. Slight crack age flipping it right side up but it still looks ok. Can't wait to try this with vanilla ice cream. #cookbooklove, #litsycooks
I've tried about a dozen recipes from this book and every single one has been fabulous. Here is a picture of he chocolate cream puffs with mascarpone frosting. It's a dish that looks complicated but is super easy and looks so impressive to guests. This goes really well with champagne (or sparkling wine.) #litsycooks, #cookbooklove