I think I enjoyed the first book more but this one was a lit of fun too!
I think I enjoyed the first book more but this one was a lit of fun too!
“ 'Goodness, how it stormed!' Pippi would say. 'Even the fishes were seasick and wanted to go ashore. I saw a shark that was absolutely green in the face and an octopus that sat holding his head in all his many arms'“
I love Pippi Longstocking and wanted to be just like her. I still do! She‘s a rule-breaker, she‘s outrageous, she‘s fearless, she‘s self-sufficient and she has a kind and generous heart. This is the 2nd book in the series & just as much fun as the first. Only this time, we get to meet Pippi‘s almost as strong and equally outlandish seafaring Dad.
Thanks @TheBookHippie for bringing Pippi back into my reading life.😍📖
“ 'I'm making believe I'm a boat,' she said, plowing through the water. Just as she spoke she tumbled and went down under. 'Or, to be more exact, a submarine,' she continued calmly when she got her nose in the air again.“
Nice save Pippi, nice save... 😂
“If I could, I‘d bring you to life again.” She said with a deep sigh.
I love the thin black lines used to create the sketches within the book. They are simple and add simplicity to the characters.
This exciting story has an interesting plot of Pippi being completely free from parents or rules, she is in her own world. She is a daredevil and goes on adventures that aren‘t common for girls her age. This leads to elements of fantasy such as sailing off to an island all by herself.
Pippi‘s unusual way of thinking would be an eye opener and unique way to keep kids interested in this book
This would be a great book for a Middle Ages (10-15) child. The mysterious girl, Pippy, makes spontaneous decisions throughout the story such as: going shopping for 6 pints of assorted medicines and 36 pounds of candy. She is also gentle and generous so this book could show these young children how to live a caring but adventurous life.
- fantasy
“She sat down on the edge of the bed and pulled on her stockings- one brown and one black.”
Growing up, my parents would always read me Pippi Longstocking and it was my favorite series. I think it is amazing that for how old the book is, people are still enjoying it. I love all the adventures Pippi goes on.
Second Pippi adventure that was written. 9 year old Pippi has no adult to look after her and she can do anything she wants. In this story, the climax is weather she should sail away with her father or stay with her best friends.
#hopintospring #anchor #readingresolutions #belovedcharacter
Anchors away matey! I loved the Pippi books growing up and spending time with her, Tommy, Annika and Mr.Nelson. I also lived for the once a year showing of the Pippi movies.
"It's surely best for little children to live an orderly life, especially if they can order it themselves." -Pippi Longstocking