Author/ Illustrator: Aidan Chambers
Published: 1999
Genre: Young adult fiction/ Historical Fiction
Award: Michael L. Prints
Author/ Illustrator: Aidan Chambers
Published: 1999
Genre: Young adult fiction/ Historical Fiction
Award: Michael L. Prints
Skim read parts of this as it was a bit too description based for me. But appreciate that I'm not the age audience!
I've enjoyed reading about the city as I'm here on a visit and it's made me look at areas differently.
Starting this borrowed book as I'm off to Amsterdam tomorrow!
This book will make you think. It takes ideas of love and life and needles at them until it has you questioning everything. It also has a wonderful sense of place. I spent a few weeks on holiday in the Netherlands earlier this year and with this story I felt like I was there again. With Jacob I got to explore the lanes and canals of Amsterdam once more, learning about Dutch culture and history along the way.