I‘m only nine pages into this book and I already love it! The author understands what I‘m going through. I recommend this book to everyone!
I‘m only nine pages into this book and I already love it! The author understands what I‘m going through. I recommend this book to everyone!
A good self help book for anxiety. McDonagh's Dare response is clearly laid out and explained as a front line response for sufferers. I found it helpful. My only criticism is that it doesn't often mention anxiety's co-companion - depression. Since, in my experience, one condition goes hand in hand with the other this was disappointing. Nonetheless, with numerous spin-off apps, this will no doubt help many.
There is nothing worse than wanting to run away and escape your own self. When you want to escape your own mind and body, it feels like there‘s nowhere to run. I know how that feels. I‘ve been there.