Ummmm... so that's terrifying.
Well hello! Aren't you all kinds of lovely♡ Donning publisher 1988. Artwork throughout.
Ugh! The superintendent here has closed all school activities to spectators (sporting events will continue with no viewers.) The high school musical was to open Friday. The director of the show is the stage manager for Disney Cruise & has a ship to catch so they‘re running the show Friday and Saturday (w/no spectators) and recording it so he can watch it. My kiddo is the lead Saturday night and I won‘t get to see it 😢
Up next...
Metropolis 1927 (silent) starring Alfred Abel, Gustav Frohlich and Brigitte Helm
Fun fact, this movie is known as the first science fiction movie ever produced and filmed over 17 months, the production cost of this film damn near bankrupted the production company! 😱
2pts for #TeamStoker
Silent film Sunday. This 1927 classic had some impressive special effects for its time. Now I have to read the book it was based off of.
Ich habe von meiner Oma gestern einen Tolino geschenkt bekommen.
Und schon , viel zu viele, Bücher rauf geladen 😅
Hauptgrund wieso ich mir so oder so einen zulegen wollte ist folgender:
Die Wohnung von mir und meinen BF ist leider nicht die größte. Deshalb dachte ich an den Tolino 😁