If I can perfectly align the interests of my company with the interests of top officials in the U.S. government— not the interests of the country, but the interests of the people in charge of the country— then the United States will secure my needs.
The United Fruit Company is the principal enemy of progress in Guatemala, of its democracy, and of every effort at its economic liberation.
To protect its authority [United Fruit] had recourse to every method: political intervention, economic compulsion, contractural imposition, bribery, [and] tedious propaganda, as suited its purposes of domination.
“A company, like a nation, cannot survive without its mythology. All the achievements of the Company were made at the expense of the impoverishment of the country and by acquisitive practices.
Well, I was halfway there finishing my #roll100 choices. All were good, none were great. I guess my favorite was the tagged, which is some interesting nonfiction about corporate takeover, corruption and coups associated with the banana industry and its one-time king. I bailed on The Birth of the Pill, a mood-reader moment.
Leaves you thinking a lot about Zemurray - how do you define and label a man like that? Good? Evil? Not that simple.
????This is the story of Samuel Zemurray "America's Banana King." It was fascinating, with everything that a good adventure needs, including a rags to riches story, pirates, and intrigue. Zamurry's life was a roller coaster from beginning to end. In addition to the non-stop plot, the writing in this book was excellent. Cohen's exploration of the world of the early twentieth century and the complexities of his biography subject was fantastic.