You know exactly what you're getting. Does what is says on the tin
Great plot but boy did it need to be edited more. 200 pages less would have made it a almost a Pick
You know exactly what you're getting. Does what is says on the tin
Great plot but boy did it need to be edited more. 200 pages less would have made it a almost a Pick
I needed a thriller to reset and this delivered. A tad long, but a good gothic family drama. FBI agent falls in insta-love with a therapist facing repeated murder attempts. There‘s an old mansion with a torture basement, too.
CLOSER THAN YOU THINK as a plot line that is so good it‘s hard to but the book down. This story has more twists and turns then a roller coaster ride it keeps you guessing till the villain is revealed. Deacon Novak and Faith Corcoran were perfect, the chemistry between them spot on. Rose writes a villain like no other author....they are always twisted, evil, violent, smart and calculating. This was a great start to the new series Cincinnati.
I like Karen Rose‘ books so this at 99p is a bargain....yet another for my TBR list
I came across this title a few months ago while I was working on my library‘s daily shipment, I come across a lot of to-be read books that way, 😆. Anyway, the book description sounded interesting so I put the ebook on hold. Once I started reading, I was immediately hooked. The story was suspenseful with several twists and turns. I‘ll definitely read more by this author. 🌟🌟🌟🌟
Oh, my! This was a great book. So many twists. If you love romantic suspense, you have to read this. Faith has changed her name because there has been many attempts on her life. She moves because she has inherited her grandmothers house. Devon is a FBI agent that ends up on her case. Thinks get steamy. Is the person that is trying to kill her who she really thinks it is? How many will die before they catch the person? You have to read this!!
Today‘s prompt is 🌹 so I thought Karen Rose 🌹. This book is not for the faint of heart #thisremindsmeof
So many twists and turns. I was kept guessing almost till the end, which doesn't happen very often!
Reading while I wait at our local IU campus for a daughter to get done with class. I'm so close to finishing this one and it's so good. Also it's thunder storming and near 60 but I think tomorrow calls for 30 and snow...
I guess I'm calling this meeting of the #LitsyMigraineClub to order. At least I was semi productive before it hit. Hopefully I can head off the worst of it by taking to bed. I did have a full afternoon and evening of reading planned after all!
My eyes are itchy and burning from this wicked cold, making it hard to read. Decided audiobooks were made just for this very reason.
Also mich hat es nicht so doll überzeugt das ich mir jetzt sofort den zweiten Teil besorgen muss.
Schön beschrieben fand ich die Liebelei zwischen Faith und Deacon, ganz besonders die Liebesszenen. Sie wurden sehr bildlich beschrieben.
Aber für mich haben einfach zu viele Leute in diesem Buch mitgespielt. Ich fand das sehr verwirrend.
Ich bin verliebt 😠ein super spannendes Buch, auch wenn es Zeitweise echt verwirrend war - aber so soll es ja sein ðŸ‘
habt ihr es schon gelesen?😊💖
#dornenmädchen #karenrose #knaur #bookaholic #booknerd #booklover #bookworm #bookstagram #buchliebe #büchersucht #bücherliebe #bücherwurm #buchliebe #instabook #bibliophilie #thrillerqueen #krimiqueen
Wenn man schon krank ist, kann man die Zeit wenigstens sinnvoll nutzen 💖
This book is strange, dark and emotional. The narrator is excellent. I feel like I can see through the main characters eyes and feel her emotion. The narrator definitely brings out the intensity of her fear even in common situations.