Finished this one today. This was another great installment in this #series. Also, thank you @robinb for the birthday card! I got it in today‘s mail with several late Christmas cards. It seems the usps is a little behind.
Finished this one today. This was another great installment in this #series. Also, thank you @robinb for the birthday card! I got it in today‘s mail with several late Christmas cards. It seems the usps is a little behind.
The best part of this book is the recipe section at the end. There were possibilities here, but the mystery tended to get lost among the complicated relationships of the characters. The story is set around the Pike Place Market in Seattle, so that and the fact that I love herbs and herb gardening is what drew me in. Don‘t think I‘ll read any other books from this series. And on a positive note, my thyme did not die during the summer heat😄
#uncannyOctober #bookanddrink After a morning of cleaning and shoe shopping 😊 followed by lunch at our favorite little Greek place, hubby got the brilliant idea that WE should wash and wax the car. After an hour+ in South Florida heat and humidity, I am ready for some reading time and a bit of my favorite indulgence.
Sitting in the waiting room at Cleveland Clinic Florida. I needed something light and distracting, because this place is a madhouse. Reading anything that requires real concentration is out of the question!
After just finishing the first in the series and having already read the second a few months ago, I figured I may as well read this one too so it could go back to the library. Still a cute series where I like people but the mystery itself is kind of light.