Catching up on the #alphabetgame
A mix of genre, new, old. That I would and have reread.
Catching up on the #alphabetgame
A mix of genre, new, old. That I would and have reread.
Such a wonderful, intricate universe, you dive and come up the other side and just want to go again. Love this universe.
Presenting the July-December portion of my 2018 Long List, which might get even longer if I'm lucky. 4.5-star reads are in pink, while 5-star books are in purple.
Full disclosure: I read THE LODESTAR OF YS in June, but I got so excited about Ichigo Takano's ORANGE that I left it off the bottom of the relevant list. Gasp!
October Stats. I thought I'd read less once my Marvel Unlimited subscription ended, but I guess the Readathon and my ongoing reread of A BRIDE'S STORY by Kaoru Mori bulked up my numbers.
Sometimes you read the right book at the right time and everything's magic. Jo Graham's first Numinous World novel took me on the sort of rich, personal, epic journey I wish all books could pull off. I fully inhabited it while I read, and I'm still there now. I doubt I'll leave for a long, long time.
Taken alone, BLACK SHIPS is a great retelling of Virgil's Aeneid. Viewed as a series opener, it's one hell of a promise that wonder lies ahead.
Pain day reading material. BLACK SHIPS is blowing my mind, people. AN INFORMAL HISTORY OF THE HUGOS is also great, but it's hammered home how poorly-read I am. As of 1972, I've only read four of the Best Novel winners or nominees, and I'm pretty sure I've read zero of the novellas or short stories. Things should improve a bit from the mid/late-70s onward (I hope).
ETA: I peeked, and things do not improve from the mid/late-70s onward. Damn.
Amazing universe where characters live again. Immortality with a twist. David Bowie we kinda felt would live forever and like the characters in Jo Graham maybe he amazingly does. #septemBOWIE
This is a ré-imagining of The Aeneid through the eyes of a priestess of The Lady of The Dead. This quest of the People, exiled from Wilusa (Troy) destroyed to find a place, to fulfil their destiny is well constructed, well plotted and twist enough of the legendary tales to make it fresh and vibrant. Find it and enjoy even if you have never heard of the tale of Aeneas. It's a great story about friendship, faith, unrequited love and destiny. ❤️❤️❤️
Such a wonderful, intricate universe, you dive and come up the other side and just want to go again. Love this universe. #greatfirstlines #booktober 💝👍😍
"She has chosen you to be Her voice and Her hands. You will be dedicated at the Feast of the Return, the Thesmophoria, as is proper. And from that time forward you cannot do as the living do. You cannot shed blood, or watch it shed. You cannot cut flesh with a knife, or wear the colors of the sun. You belong to the Lady, and to the shades beneath."