There were parts that I enjoyed. Overall, it was decent. Some parts flew by & I was sorry they were over so quickly.
There were parts that I enjoyed. Overall, it was decent. Some parts flew by & I was sorry they were over so quickly.
The last 30 pages are thrilling. The first 300 are terrible. I suppose this was written to be the first in a series about people who can identity killers by looking into their eyes, but the book spends so much time explaining the idea ad nauseam that I just didn't give a damn by the time the action started.
In addition to a good opening paragraph it has a pretty cover. And, to be fair, after being lectured to for several hundred pages the heroine rescues herself in the end. Just a shame it's so dreadfully poorly written, and the world view espoused makes Fox News look moderately left leaning. Pretty cover or not, this book goes in the bin. Not inflicting it on a second hand store. (And I never bin books. Making an exception.)
Look at that opening paragraph! What a great hook! Unfortunately it's the only good part of the book. I have 50p. to go and think I would rather have my eyes removed (as happens in the book). If Ayn Rand and Ted Nugent had a political love child it would be this book, only better written. The plot is a flimsy excuse for political conspiracy theory and dodgy evolutionary biology. >50% is people explaining the sorry state of the world to the MC.
2nd time reading and still a great read. There were a few sections that felt like the author was on a soap box but overall I enjoyed it, hope for a sequel in the future.
This book is very violent and has many triggers.
Trying to break out of this month long reading slump. Hoping this creepy read from one of my fave authors will be the cure.
Kate Bishop finds herself helping the police try to solve not only her brothers murder but others as well. You see Kate has the ability to identify killers just by looking into their eyes. Because of this ability the “nest” of killers are stalking Kate and want her dead. Truly an edge of your seat read!
#AwesomeAutumnBooks #ThrillerThursday
One of my fave authors but this is not an easy read. Many triggers.
This was a pretty good thriller. I really liked the idea behind it with technology playing a big part in the story. I also really liked the way the author brought in some other elements as well to enhance the story. Some of it got a bit too technical and it became boring in areas. Despite that, I did really enjoy this book!
It was a pretty good book, a couple of dry parts, but if you push through out makes a pretty good story
Boxing day brunch with one of my new books! :-) Welsh rarebit, with black pudding and ceylon tea. Yum! ♡
Can take it any more. 100 pages in and nothing is happening but a bunch of 'splaining by the author.
And more of it. Gee I wonder why some people feel that way. There are people who are terrified of being shot and killed due to the color of their skin. Get off your soap box and get on with the story.
72 pages in and so far this seems to be a rant about how the public does not revere cops like they should. I'm getting irritated. It has nothing to do with the plot either (at this point). It's things like this and it has occurred multiple times and feels constant. It gets in the way of the story. Plus there's no opposing view point about it either suggesting that the author needs to find another place to rant about their political leanings.