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Best Ghost Stories of Algernon Blackwood
Best Ghost Stories of Algernon Blackwood | Algernon Blackwood
3 posts | 3 read | 6 to read
Thirteen short stories by the English supernaturalist demonstrate his mastery at evoking feelings of mysticism and cosmic experience and his skill in creating an atmosphere of unrelieved horror
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Some times Libro.fm comes through with great audiobooks I didn‘t expect. This BBC dramatization of Algernon Black ghost stories is the best find for the fall months. I am keeping it in reserve for Halloween but the first story in the book was just great so I think I am going to love the rest

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This review is for “The Glamour of the Snow”, Algernon Blackwood‘s 1911 short story about the siren call of the snow witch in the Valais alps and a writer‘s bewitchment by what he perceives as the 3rd of the 3 worlds around him- there is the world of the tourist English, the world of the peasants and the third- the world of nature. Lovely semi ghost story perfect for winter. #ShortStoryAdventCalendar

ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled ❤️ your gnome! 6y
Booksnchill Me too- got it from @sweetpealsd in a swap- he is my new “elf on a shelf”! 6y
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I got an idea and wanted to read only horror for October – only to realize this is basically THE ONLY suitable book I have that's not an audio book 😩 (I'll listen to plenty of audio in October but I'd like to read too!) Any recs for cheap horror eBooks?

Yawednesdays We're posting our horror recs today on the blog! Maybe some of them are on sale! 8y
[DELETED] 3323341091 have you perused the "horror" section of Project Gutenberg? there are some great reads there ? http://www.gutenberg.org/wiki/Horror_(Bookshelf) 8y
tricours @fern I'm in the mood for something more modern and grisly! But thanks for the link 😊 8y
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