one of my all time favourites
the weather is really gross today. what's it like for you guys?
one of my all time favourites
the weather is really gross today. what's it like for you guys?
day late to the party but i finally managed to take new pictures! expect two a day for the rest of the month while i catch up 😅
harry potter was such a major part of what got me into fandom, even though it gave me nightmares about giant snakes for about 7 years 😥 so i thought it deserved a house pride picture!
This book!!!! I'm still not over it even though I finished it like a week ago 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟/5
I actually love the cover on this book, it's amazing! Matches my Rose fanart amazingly as well 😄
for some reason the one day i decide to take pictures its super dark and not sunny, even though i go away tomorrow for 5 days so i need to take all of my pictures! oh well 😅
#uncriticalbirthdaychallenge day 21: GoT house pride! | i would probably be a stark bc of how northern i am (i live about 20 minutes from the Actual Wall(tm)!) but honestly i love the tyrells the most 🌷🌷🌷 they're my real house lmao
i took this yesterday and its probably one of my favourite pictures i've ever taken! (although i did get laughed at by two middle aged women for reading in public - i mean come on, really???????)
the full picture is on my instagram! the fact you can't post rectangular images is totally messing with the pictures i've got though, especially when the crop tool makes everything so blurry 😥
hoping to try this out but it feels super weird - not sure how i feel about the influence feature, but i'll see how it goes 😊
you can also find me on instagram @wlfredowen! 💜