After the kids drift off to play with their presents I get to return to The Nix and my peppermint mocha. I am really enjoying this one...much funnier than I expected.
After the kids drift off to play with their presents I get to return to The Nix and my peppermint mocha. I am really enjoying this one...much funnier than I expected.
This was the longest and most boring book I've forced myself to finish in years. What is all the hype about? If it hadn't been an Early Reviewer I would have given up about halfway through. It seemed like I read for weeks and made little progress. So much pointless navel gazing and dialogue with little action. A month of my life I will never get back.
I loved the author's 1st novel, California, and now I can't wait to start this Early Reviewer. Its the first snowy morning of the season so I broke out my snowflake mug to celebrate! 🌬❄❄❄❄
We got to meet Lol Tolhurst at his book signing tonight in Indianapolis and hear him speak about his time in the Cure. Here is our awkward photo together. I have read the first chapter and it is well written. I'm sure my husband and I will be fighting to see who will read it first!
Kind of slow but creepy. Good thing my dogs are on high alert to protect me.
I love authors that talk directly to you as if they are your friend. Just a few pages in and I can tell this will be a lovely warm hug of a book, a perfect consolation for the last few days of election ugliness.
An uplifting book about the goodness of the human spirit... perfect for the last week before the election.
I'll never forget the smell of the orchard. It was imprinted on me like the scent of my mother's Aliage perfume. Overly sweet, musty, blossomy, leaves-turning, fruit ripening. The orchard in Greengage, sixty-nine years and three thousand miles from New Hampshire, smelled exactly the same.
For such a short book, Jacqueline Woodson can sure pack in the emotions. What an amazing writer.
Finishing up "The American Girl" on a peaceful Sunday morning. I love reading outside and this is my favorite spot, at least for a few months a year!
"Of all of them there at the bar that night, the bartender was the one who survived the longest. He died three weeks later on the road out of the city."
I am rereading Station Eleven because I miss my friends who are still there...
"Thing is...I don't remember her. I don't remember any of the things they're telling me".