Gonna start reading this!
Being Jazz, was such great book. We got to see a few of the struggles transgenders go through, and I'm so happy I've read this book. You can see how much happier she is, and I wish there were more books out there, that show the struggles that LGBT+ people go through! It was such a special book!
Every part of this book sucked me in! It was magnificent, and beautiful. Her writing style was so different, yet still gorgeous. It was one of the best retellings of A Thousand and One Nights that I have read! I already have reread it, and I already want to read it again!
This book was intense, fast-paced, and insightful. I never really thought about the topic of shootings, but this book definitely made me think. It shows how easy it is for this to happen, and it was fantastic. I absolutely loved this book, I flew through it. I'm so happy I read this book!
This book hit all the feels for me. It was perfect. Need I say more? Louisa and Will's relationship was goals, and it kept me at the edge of my seat! This book, made me cry, it made me happy, and it made me nervous. Only few books have the liberty of doing that to me! And this is one of them!
I reread this book a month or so ago, and it was as fabulous as I remembered! All the characters, I felt as though they would speak to me, and I love all of them so very much! This is by far, one of my favorite series ever, and I'm excited for more!