You guys, HOW IS THIS BOOK SO GOOD??? I'm reading A Torch Against the Night now and I'm only fifty pages in so don't spoil anything but I'm so in love with Elias. And Helene. I love Helene.
You guys, HOW IS THIS BOOK SO GOOD??? I'm reading A Torch Against the Night now and I'm only fifty pages in so don't spoil anything but I'm so in love with Elias. And Helene. I love Helene.
Dragons make everything more magical. Someone write more books about dragons pretty please 🙏🏻🙏🏻
Watching mysteries and pretending it's winter with my mom. I love chilly summer days where I can deny it's actually summer 🙈
"I found my true love on Ulitsa Saltykov-Schedrin, while I sat on a bench eating ice cream."
"You didn't find me. You weren't even looking for me. I found you."
"Alexander, were you looking for me?"
"All my life."
The Bronze Horseman by Paullina Simons
Happy wedding anniversary to Tatiana Metanova and Alexander Belov. These two characters mean the whole world to me, to the point of tattooing their words on my skin.
This book is everything. Just when I think the Shadowhunter Chronicles can't get any better, they do. The Blackthorns and Emma and Cristina are my BABIES 😭😭
ALL THE STARS for this book
This book was so cute and I LOVE how diverse it was and how much I learned about Indian culture. I definitely got some feminine bashing vibes though and I wish there was more to the technology seminar plot line.
4/5 stars
Happy Monday foxes! 🦊
I really want to read these two books because I've heard SO MANY GOOD THINGS but I don't want to until I have the third book in my hands and I want all my covers to match so I'm impatiently waiting for Book Depository to get it back in stock 🙄 I'm so intrigued by this premise though and I'm IN LOVE with the covers 😍
I'm seeing a lot about litsy so I figured I'd give it a try 🤷🏻♀️