My first read from The Library of Korean Literature. It is a dystopian-esque tale about two friends who apologize on behalf of others in exchange for money. It was a really unique, thought-provoking read. Would recommend!
My first read from The Library of Korean Literature. It is a dystopian-esque tale about two friends who apologize on behalf of others in exchange for money. It was a really unique, thought-provoking read. Would recommend!
This was a really strong debut novel. I was hooked once I got to around page 50. Brit Bennett is a very skilled writer and I can't wait to see what she writes in the future. I think The Mothers is deserving of the hype.
Tana French has never let me down. This book follows Detective Antoinette Conway who was first introduced in the previous novel, The Secret Place. Antoinette is a strong and confident woman and I really enjoyed reading from her point of view. This book just reinforces why Tana French is my favorite thriller author. 👍🏾
There were some cute moments, but its a book I quickly forgot after completing it. It lacked complexity and I thought the book could have done with more research. It was a quick, light read.
The main strength of this novel was the writing. Also really liked the Irish dialect used throughout. It made the book feel more atmospheric. Overall, it was just okay for me. None of the characters were very notable and I thought the book could have been shorter since it dragged in spots.
Definitely one of my favorite books I read this year. It's literary fiction but you just feel so tense and on edge that it almost reads like a thriller. A lot of the book deals with the disparity between Kyung (Korean American) and his Korean parents. It raises a lot of questions in your mind and that last chapter has stuck with him since I read it. Great book.
This is a book I feel like people will either love or hate. It's more of a character-driven book than plot-driven. I honestly can't explain why I like this, but I do. The characters are rather unlikeable but unlikeable characters don't bother me as long as they are authentic. And I felt these characters were. This book is a "pick" for me!
REALLY REALLY wanted to love this. I thought Eileen was a super interesting character at first but I started to get tired of her. The plot is pretty much non-existent until the last few pages and what happens there wasn't worth it. I'd say pass on this one.
I can understand why some people really enjoy this book but it wasn't my thing. Found the prose to be a bit overwrought and when I wasn't reading it I didn't really have any desire to get back into the world. Just okay in my opinion.
This is such an important book. I think I tabbed and/or underlined something on nearly every page of this book. The sad thing is how much is still relevant even today.
This was an addicting and fast-paced read but I found Jack to be a bit of a caricature. Also some of the dialogue was rather cringe-worthy/corny and at times pulled me out of the story. Just an okay one for me.
I really liked this book. The writing flowed really well and I especially liked the Nymphadora chapters. I think she could have written a book just about her. My only disappointment was I wished we got more insight into Laurel's thoughts but overall I think it was a great debut novel.
Don't really get the acclaim for this book. I found the writing to be dry, characters one-dimensional and the narrative disjointed. There was really nothing I liked.
"After you died I could not hold a funeral. And so my life became a funeral."
This was such a compelling and educational read. I had never heard about the Gwangju Uprising in South Korea, but I know so much more about it now. This book follows people who were involved and shows how they were affected during and many many years down the line. Great book.