I'm so happy I am finally rereading this one after probably a decade... Wow that makes me feel old! So far it is just as good as I remembered! I can't wait to get through the series in time for the new one due out this fall!!
I'm so happy I am finally rereading this one after probably a decade... Wow that makes me feel old! So far it is just as good as I remembered! I can't wait to get through the series in time for the new one due out this fall!!
For a homesick Chicago girl who was raised on Buffy the Vampire Slayer, this book was perfect! Totally cheesy, but such a fun read!
What to do when your flight is delayed for an hour: drink beer, read a new book, and keep an eye on the Cubs game.
Doing some interactive airport reading while waiting to head to Chicago!
It has taken me far too long to get around to reading this book, but I'm so glad I did. This book was exactly what my heart needed right now. What an incredible work.
I think us here to wonder, myself. To wonder. To ast. And that in wondering bout the big things and asting bout the big things, you learn about the little ones almost by accident. But you never know nothing more about the big things than you start out with. The more I wonder, he say, the more I love
Diane Guerrero is incredibly brave and open about what life is like as a child of undocumented immigrants in the US. She opens a window to show her family's poverty, her abandonment, her ensuing depression and the hard work to build a life of her own. This is a call to action all should hear.
I'm so glad I started this the other day. Seeing the cast of The Color Purple perform at the Tony's last night was incredible and so inspiring. There is power in knowing who you are.
"A good bra is fine, but a great bra is life changing. It gives you the confidence of a homecoming queen. It's a tiara for your ta-tas."
A good reminder on days where bras feel like boob jail lol.
"I fix myself a hot chocolate because it is a gateway drug to reading." Alright Ellis, we are off to a good start.
I picked up my holds from the library today. Four books by awesome ladies! I can't wait to dive into American Housewife first!!
If you want to look at pictures of beautiful dresses by all means check this out. However, there seemed to be almost no character development. I love how graphic novels can use words and pictures to deepen a story, but in this case I fear there wasn't enough story to match the pictures.
Some mornings I get to sit in the sun, drink my coffee and read. Those are the best mornings.
Had an awesome time discussing the craziness of space travel with my book club at Bookbar! I love Mary Roach and Bookbar is officially my new happy place!
The second installment of this trilogy is a huge step up from the first! I could not stop reading it! The Handmaid's Tale meets Tamora Pierce. Pairs nicely with a lager and a rainy day.