Saw Victoria Schwab over the weekend and got this signed. I've started it, and I think it's going to be awesome. :) #ourdarkduet #victoriaschwab
I've been reading this book for far too long. I absolutely loved the first and flew through it, but I'm not ready for the series to end. 😭
Perks of working at a library. You see the books come in and you can check them out first. 😊
My mother believes in punctuality the way other people believe in God. Time is precious, she says, and it's rude to waste someone else's.
I feel like I say this about most books I like, but HOLY HELL. THIS BOOK WAS AMAZING.
The characters were phenomenal. I was literally scared of one of the characters because they were that damn evil. I literally cannot wait to read the next one in this series. :D
I'm so excited to start this book! It looks amazing, and I've heard so many good things about it!
I wasn't impressed with the story. There was something off that I can't quite place.
I finished in hopes of it getting better, I wish I would have wasted my time elsewhere. I didn't like any of the characters, it was just a story of a bunch of liars getting caught. 😒😒😒😒
Getting ready for the movie to come out. I'm about halfway thru, and it's okay. :)
This was a REALLY good book!!! I can't wait to read the next one!
So this book has a lame cover, but I'm going to try it anyway because of #yallfest
"Death comes for everyone," she said simply. "I'm not afraid of dying. But I am afraid of dying here." She swept her hand over the room, the tavern, the city. "I'd rather die on an adventure than live standing still.” -Lila
I've probably never been more excited to start a new book. I've been waiting it seems like forever to just get my hands on this one. ❤️❤️❤️
If I want to watch men dig holes to fall into, I'll find myself a cemetery.
Besides, she was a Wraith--the only law that applied to her was gravity, and some days she defied that, too.
This book was amazing. I loved Katherine and all that she stood for. I hated that she had to go thru what she did. I cannot wait for the next in this series. ❤️
Super easy read with a bleh story. >_>
I love history and anything related to King Henry Vlll. :) I'm so excited about reading this book! ^_^ #checkoutyourpubliclibrary
I read this series a couple months ago & I'm still obsessing over it. ❤️ Def. the best fairytale retelling I've ever read.
This is the most beautiful book I have ever seen. 😍
"One must always be careful of books," said Tessa, "and what is inside them, for words have the power to change us."
"We accept the love we think we deserve." I'm going to start with this book since it probably is, and always will be one of my favorites. I first read it a couple years ago when I was going through a divorce, and it hit hard. I've never been so moved by a book in my life. ❤️❤️❤️