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Joined September 2020

Concrete Rose | Angie Thomas
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Over the next few weeks, Maverick worked hard to be the father his son deserved; he focused on school, worked for Mr. Wyatt and took care of his son, whom he renamed Seven. All seemed to be going well for Mav, but it all fell apart just as things began to improve. After an evening with his cousin Dre, Maverick quickly ran inside to check on his son but was caught by the sounds of gunshots echoing in his street.

rileymaclean Dre had been shot and killed. Knowing his cousin‘s murder would just become one of many in Garden Heights, it became his duty to get justice. Dre was a husband, a father, a son, a cousin, and he deserved better. After the funeral, Maverick and Lisa reunited for the first time since their messy breakup. The two later had unprotected sex which caused Lisa to become pregnant, and Maverick, a father of two. 2y
rileymaclean Mav's responsibilities were once again pilling up, and selling drugs became his only way to make ends meet. With the overwhelming stress of his life, he began to flunk out of school and dedicate his time to finding Dre's killer. When the suspect was found, and the plan to kill Red had been made, Maverick could not pull the trigger and instead ran straight to Lisa, where he told her everything. (edited) 2y
rileymaclean At that moment, Maverick decided to turn his life around for the future of his new family. He enrolled in classes where he would get his GED, he began to work full time for Mr. Wyatt, and although his life wasn't perfect, he was proud of who he had become and his little Starr on the way. If books about loyalty, family or friendship interest you, I‘d highly recommend this novel! (edited) 2y
rileymaclean Concrete Rose is written in first-person point of view, with Maverick Carter telling us the story and giving insight into his thoughts.
MissYaremcio Nicely done Riley! I loved this book! 6/6 2y
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Concrete Rose | Angie Thomas
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Sequel to The Hate you Give, Concrete Rose by Angie Thomas follows the life of seventeen year old Maverick Carter as he experiences the struggles of adulthood. Being the son of a former gang member, Mav struggles to find his balance between school, life and the King Lords. When an unexpected DNA test confirms he is the father to a 3 month old, Maverick‘s whole life turns upside down.

rileymaclean Determined to be a better father than his own, Mav takes on the challenge of parenthood. He discovers very early on that this isn‘t going to be any easy task but with the encouragement of his cousin Dre, Mav is able to quit selling drugs with the gang and gets a part time job from the local grocer. I am only half way through this novel but it has so far been an amazing read! 3y
rileymaclean I found themes of growing up, adulthood and identity through the book as we see Maverick Carter become a father and the maturity it takes to raise a child on your own. If you enjoy books about growing up that will make you laugh and cry, I would definitely recommend Concrete Rose!
MissYaremcio Thank you for the review Riley! I loved this book too! 6/6 3y
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the hate you give | Angie Thomas
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Scared of what the outcome may be, Starr Carter doesn‘t know if she should keep silent to protect her privacy and remain anonymous or if she should use her voice to fight back. Despite her complicated family and friend problems, Starr manages to keep her head held high and speak in front of the Grand Jury as an alibi for her best friend‘s Kahli‘s death.

rileymaclean After speaking on live television and the world knowing her name, Starr‘s life was in danger and staying in Garden Heights wasn‘t an option. Although it took some convincing to her father, the family moved to the more “white” part of town but soon realized it wasn‘t as bad as it seemed. Once the news came in that they would not indict One-Fifteen, Star was distraught but knew she had to stay strong to be the voice of Khali. 4y
rileymaclean What mattered most was defending Khali and everyone else who died by police brutality because of ethnicity, race and colour. They may be dead, but they will never be forgotten. Their lives mattered just as anyone else‘s lives mattered, so why should they be treated as objects rather than human beings. Starr was only one small voice making significant changes. 4y
rileymaclean If books that have powerful messages and meanings interest you, then The Hate U Give is a perfect novel for you. The Hate U Give was written in the first person with Starr Carter talking and giving insight into her thoughts and feelings throughout the story.
MissYaremcio Well done Riley! I am so glad that you have enjoyed this book! I find it such a powerful read! 6/6 4y
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the hate you give | Angie Thomas
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The Hate You Give by Angie Thomas is a novel that dives deep into the crazy life of Starr Carter, an African American girl living in the middle of two drastically different worlds. This 16-year-old girl lives in the lower-income, black part of town called Garden Heights but attends school in the mostly white, privileged Williamson Prep. She had been told all her life to abide by the police's words but it wasn't until her best friend Khalil was

rileymaclean shot and killed by officer #115 that it became a reality. Learning that the colour of your skin can affect your life, Starr decides she needs to fight for what's right. I have so far really enjoyed this book as it gives you an inside perspective on what is actually happening in the world right now with the black lives matter movement. The theme of this novel is justice, racism, equality and activism as it leads you through the life of an African (edited) 4y
rileymaclean American fighting for what‘s right. If you like moving and powerful stories, The Hate You Give is a novel for you.
MissYaremcio Well done Riley! This seems to be a very popular book right now - and for good reason! 6/6 4y
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