When the hype(othesis) is worth it! That was corny, I know! I binged it and might read it again.
The characters were well thought out and seemed relatable, which is always a plus for me!
When the hype(othesis) is worth it! That was corny, I know! I binged it and might read it again.
The characters were well thought out and seemed relatable, which is always a plus for me!
One day I will give myself enough time to slowly and throughly enjoy library books. Today (and technically the next two weeks) is not that day. Lol!
Still very thankful for my local library!
Done! I dont think I can say much without giving it all away. The last line from Evelyn may be one of my favorite endings from a book!
I feel like this is a love or hate it book. I usually read books pretty quickly, but this one took me longer because I wanted so badly to love it. It is still a pick for me as I like Sally Rooney's writing.
I also like that TV show stayed pretty true to the story.
After loving You Deserve Each Other, I was so excited to read Sarah Hogle's next book! Unfortunately, I think I set my expectations too high. There was nothing wrong with the story, but it was not as memorable.
It was a bit of a slow start for me, but once I was past the first or second story from the book of regrets, I easily dove in and enjoyed the rest of the story.