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Joined September 2020

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I think one of the main things I wonder the most after seeing the different rocky stages of their relationship is how they both end up in the future. I have seen some spoilers and I think that was the reason that built up more interest and questions while reading the book. I‘m just curious about how their relationship unfolds and progresses.

littlebunny19 Well in the 2nd book find me they get back together after 20 years I won't spoil more but you should read 3y
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“What could possibly be wrong with liking someone everyone else liked?” This line can connect with individuals who tend to have a mindset of “Everyone else likes him/her, why would I be any different to them and to him/her?” We always want to be looked at differently, especially young teenagers. We can even apply this to celebrities we look up to, some may think we like these individuals simply because everyone else can, which leads to judgment.


Fiction: *Focus on Author* - Why do you think the author began or ended the story the way he did?

The chapters are quite long, they're divided into parts. I usually always get intrigued by the names of the parts. The author seem to always put some curiosity in your brain, on what will happen next or how their relationship would progress. I think the author does this to build some tension in the story and in your mind.


Write a 2-3 sentence summary of what you read today.

The characters Oliver and Chiara‘s relationship ended near the end of July, which ended up with Oliver sleeping around with a bunch of women around time which made Elio always wonder where Oliver was most nights. The parts I read also showed Elio confused with the words “being“ and “having“ a desire towards Oliver. He isn't seeing Oliver as the person he is, but rather who he'd like to be.


Keeping Language in mind:
The author was very descriptive in the way of describing the events or the characters emotion. The way she express these makes a own little image on my head of the following event. The author sentences like “Almost a light ink, as glistening and smooth as the underside of a lizard's belly“ to describe or rather sketch out an image in your head.


Fiction: do you think the story really could have happened? Why or why not?
I think it can happen in real life because this story is about two teens falling for one another, but at the same time they come across these complications and I think that's a normal thing that can happen to any relationship. It may not be exactly like the book, but the whole, getting closer in summer then falling apart stuff can most likely happen between two people.


Elio and Oliver got close because they built a relationship where everyday they would either go biking, jogging, or swimming. This arises because Elio's parents invite a young academic each summer for six weeks, I think that if this were to take place in winter Oliver and Elio wouldn't be able to do these things which could possibly affect how they go to know each other.


Fiction: From what I read today, I think i connect with Elio here in terms of, meeting someone, getting close to them then suddenly one day you turn distance with each other. I've met multiple people in whom these had happened to.


I chose this novel because I've heard good things about it from my friends who have read/watched the movie, from the summary and from what I've heard. The novel has a good storyline and plots which I found interesting.