Current read
Griet : H-
Maria Thins: Uuumm let me light this cigar chiiile
Quick read, interesting. 8/10
The story shows the Boleyn rise to royalty and the sacrifice and cruelty it come with. From one Anne Boleyn who had the tongue of a Knight‘s blade and the ambition that would put Lady MacBeth to shame. And her sister who despite spending her childhood(unfortunately) in the Kings bed siring his bastards and later on set aside, Mary Boleyn eventually finds peace and love in one man who stops at nothing to show that he loves her dearly.
This was 100% expected but I am scandalized💀😭
It‘s tedious but good read took me many months to get through it, but I tried
This is my favourite read of 2020 so far. The author‘s ability to tell her story and the heavy involvement of other characters in her life is quite outstanding