this wee ladybug is a fan of the Watsons too! I started it while out on the lawn this afternoon and I‘m really enjoying it - a shame Austen never finished it ☀️
this wee ladybug is a fan of the Watsons too! I started it while out on the lawn this afternoon and I‘m really enjoying it - a shame Austen never finished it ☀️
This story I initially thought was a bit of a drag - it was effectively Laura giving a monologue in a series of letters. That was until the last one - the ending was very sudden, very comforting, and exactly what I needed. I feel this is a story I will be coming back to when I need a good familiar literary hug.
Next up! I‘m looking forward to this one - the name just makes it sound so wholesome
Lady Susan surprised me! at first I struggled to get to grips with the form, but by letter 30 I was engrossed in the drama and what my friends would call the beef-stirring of Susan Vernon. Austen‘s conclusion surprised me though - surely we should have more sympathy for poor Frederick than the Miss Manwaring who barely gets a mention throughout? oh I love Jane but when I stay up to finish a story of hers she does ruin my sleep schedule!
I started the first story, Lady Susan, a few nights ago, and it has been one of my favourite things this autumn to curl up and read Austen 💛 it‘s been slow going because Uni has started back and is being very demanding, but Jane is always perfect when you need a good laugh and to disconnect from the insanity - Lady Susan is no different!
I will arise and go now, for always night and day / I hear lake water lapping with low sounds by the shore; / While I stand on the roadway, or on the pavements grey, / I hear it in the deep hearts core
This was a Folio Edition, which makes it so joyous to read , but the stories were fun and light hearted and easy to follow, which I loved. There are no surprises or plot twists from Trollope, just pleasantly engaging tales in worlds which make you yearn for places you‘ve never been. ☀️