A fun read with compelling characters. I especially liked the use of tarot and the circus themes. Ample clues connect the two timelines, making the plot pretty easy to guess. There were no surprises at all. But still entertaining.
A fun read with compelling characters. I especially liked the use of tarot and the circus themes. Ample clues connect the two timelines, making the plot pretty easy to guess. There were no surprises at all. But still entertaining.
Waiting at the finish line of my daughter's first 5k. Because parenthood.
"when i woc in the mergen all was black though the night had gan and all wolde be black after and for all time." Let's do this!
I wasn't ready for this book to end. Loved the way the two timelines intersected! I didn't realize the ebook has a sample chapter of Hunt's other novel at the end, and thought I had another 15 pages to go, but no--suddenly it was the end! No!
After a long, mentally draining week I just want a weekend full of fast-reading fiction. That's the sole purpose of my ebook reader. Mr. Splitfoot is perfect--quirky and engrossing.
Raced through this ebook as a break from the heavy stuff. Do I even need to say anything about it at this point? You all know, right?
Ekphrasis; received and invented forms; moments of surprising, almost Plath-like diction and syntax; darkness; and powerful writing about bodies, race, human interaction.
The fragmented stream of consciousness deployed in this novel drew me in at the start--such a fresh and daring voice! By the final third of the book I was growing weary, and felt that some threads were extended longer than necessary. But, definitely recommended for poetic phrasing and a jolt of new!
Still working through this, around all the poetry for the class I'm assisting. It's glassy: brilliant and shattered.