First time reading Jane Eyre and I'm already getting a sense of her strong character. Liking it so far!
First time reading Jane Eyre and I'm already getting a sense of her strong character. Liking it so far!
"Derry looked only marginally more charming than a dead hooker in a church pew." Hilarious! Also, visiting Derry (from IT) in 11/22/63. Count on King to tie everything together!
Finally picked this one up. I have held off on watching The Expanse for all this time. This book starts out fast! Side note, gorgeous day for the kids to play and let daddy read!
So many unbelievable characters, dialogue is laughable, and plot drags and drags as if the publisher told the author to stretch a five book series into 14 books...Oh wait, that is what happened and it shows. I purchased the bulk of this series at one point and feel obligated to read them all, but it's so hard to keep going. Painful! #ReadingDilemma #ConvinceMeOtherwise
First time reading David Copperfield...This is so heart-breaking thus far! Don't spoil me, but I do hope something goes well for poor Davey. #classicsthatareworthit #atleastsofarithink
Hey readers! I haven't read Octavia Butler yet myself, but I have only heard good things. 'Parable of the Sower' and 'Parable of the Talents' are on sale for 25 cents a piece today! I hopped on them and you probably should too ;)
Bookshelf additions today from my local indie :) I finally found a copy of 84 Charing Cross Road!
Feeling randy? Probably not after this paragraph. "...peeling and unpeeling..." "...sticky fumbling." LoL thanks for ruining my Saturday night, Joe Abercrombie.
Depressing, but intelligent description of living in hell by Yaa Gyasi. It's early, but definitely enjoying this book so far!
Joe Abercrombie writes with grit and wit that just won't quit! #allisnotlost #fantasy #escapism
My first read of Jeffery Deaver, this one is The Bone Collector and I'm quite impressed! I'm halfway through, but I can say that he is an author to check out if you like suspense books. This book has a growing suspect table that has content added based on what you learned in the previous chapter - how smart!