Just got done rewatching Run Lola Run for a class I teach, ... and then this from Octavia Butler. Wishing America could just yell "Stop!" like Lola does and go for a redo.
Just got done rewatching Run Lola Run for a class I teach, ... and then this from Octavia Butler. Wishing America could just yell "Stop!" like Lola does and go for a redo.
Just finished Kindred a few weeks ago and am finding myself craving more Octavia Butler. I've been wanting to read this one for years, and it finally found me at this weird moment in history.
I really enjoyed this book, both for its bleakness and its beauty. The book was able to give a richer sense of family history and superstitious perception than the movie. There were times that the prose style really grabbed me and also a handful of times I wished Woodrell had toned it down a notch.
Examination copies! ❤️ing my job today. #Andawaytheygo @Liberty
Snagged this one at a book swap party the other night and it's already sucked me in. Took awhile for me to start letting go of Jennifer Lawrence's face as Ree, but the story pretty quickly builds a world of its own. #Andawaytheygo @Liberty