Everything Neil Gaimon writes is captivating. This piece is no exception.
Everything Neil Gaimon writes is captivating. This piece is no exception.
Dr. H Jeckyl proud to announce:
Jeckyl's Powders.. TOO MANY PEOPLE, both men and women, suffer from CONSTIPATION OF THE SOUL
'I don't think I'm alone in feeling the immutable sadness contained in these fragments. Perhaps that is the price of remembering, the price of perceiving accurately...'
This is an incredible book that I wouldn't recommend to anyone who isn't ready to accept temporary insanity. This book will make you euphoric, manic, panicked, anxious and create an obsession you weren't aware you were capable of.
23 bookmarks and countless of hours googling later, I've finally finished, ready to reread the entire thing again to gain new perspective.