#nowreading Sweet Unrest by Lisa Maxwell. I received this book 3 years ago from the publisher, Flux Books, and am just now getting around to reading it. So far it has a Southern Gothic feel like Beautiful Creatures.
#nowreading Sweet Unrest by Lisa Maxwell. I received this book 3 years ago from the publisher, Flux Books, and am just now getting around to reading it. So far it has a Southern Gothic feel like Beautiful Creatures.
So glad I finally read this! Cannot wait to dive into the novellas and Mirror King. Perfect for fans of Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas
I never read Lord of the Flies in school, so so thought I'd give it a go this summer as part of the Library Summer Reading Games. This is for my "Book published before you were born" bingo square.
Lazy Sunday morning. Just started The Glass Castle. Hoping to see the movie next month!