Better to die fighting
Then live doing just what you are told.
Better to die fighting
Then live doing just what you are told.
Every thing in this book made it seem so really, there was so point in reading that made me think that It was a really fight. The author did a great job of telling us each characters story, and telling us there plan of attack. I really love the way they tell us how this game is played and the rules, and reminds me of something me and cousin would do. 9/10
The mystery of black hollow lane was a really good find, in my opinion kind of reminds me of Harry Potter just with out magic. The characters in the book just felt so real like you have met them in real life and that what made me really like this book. Overall this book is in my top 5 favorite books 10/10
I read the breadwinner before but not this version i really liked it, it had alot of power to it the way Parvana shows Courage.
9/10 good read
The plot to kill Hitler wasn't what I expected, but I still love it.
It about a pastor named Dietrich Bonhoffer, and what he went through from the day the war started to the day it ended. Every chapter it would tell you what happened in that year.
If you need some ideas for the writing assignment please read this book.
The Return of skeleton man was not my favorite. i loved the first one but this didn't make me to keep reading, I felt like if I keep reading it would wroin the first one. It like almost everything the sequel is the worst.
It is a great book, quick read. Great story makes you want to read and read and never stop. And I'm not one to read alot but I LOVE IT ❤