Cute and original
I really liked this author in high school but I definitely grew out of her. It's hard to read about characters who are supposed to be soul mates when they have no chemistry. Also a lot of what went on in the book wasn't very realistic or real. Especially for 18-22 year old characters
It was pretty good. I like novels by Lauren Barnholdt because I know what to expect (narrator who babbles and rambles a lot, bossy best friend, kind of like a love-hate romance thing going on etc) but I think those are also the reasons why Ive grown out of her books bc they're all kind of the same
It was okay, better than I expected. I like how her stories are fast paced but sometimes I'm not crazy about how she writes dialogue
What the eff
Heart eyes emoji
Beginning was sort of slow but it was necessary because we get a lot of background information we otherwise wouldn't have gotten. Everything else was really good and very interesting and funny. I'm so bad at reviews.
I liked a lot about this book. I like that it was about someone in college. I like that they were introverted and struggled with anxiety and we go to see what it's like to be in that mindset for the character. Very relatable and charming. Uhhhhh idk what else 300 characters aren't enough