Trying to cure my most recent book hangover. ABOSAT is a DNF for now. Currently reading Vassa in the Night by Sarah Porter. ✨
Trying to cure my most recent book hangover. ABOSAT is a DNF for now. Currently reading Vassa in the Night by Sarah Porter. ✨
"My name is Becca Hatcher. I don't know what's happened to me, where I am, or how I got here, but I know one thing. You're going to help me get back home."
Victoria Schwab never fails to impress me, and make me sob, with her fantastically addictive characters and heart wrenching plot twists. Do yourself a favor and read this book. Read the sequel first, take a few hours to reclaim your sanity, and then read this one. You won't regret it.
"August had always imagined Ilsa's true form as the opposite of her human one, cruel where she was kind, but as he stared into the Sunai's black eyes, all he saw was his sister."
"She knew a secret: there were two kinds of monsters, the kind that hunted the streets and the kind that lived in your head."
*closes book*
*takes deep breath*
*goes to amazon to purchase sequel*
This book was wonderfully intriguing, with complex characters & crazy twists. Much like the characters in the book, even the readers aren't sure who to trust, and betrayal cuts deep.
*resumes weeping*
Now, excuse me, but while I wait for the sequel, I'm going to try and unearth some secret ability buried deep within myself.
10/10 would recommend.
"In school, we learned about the world before ours, about the angels and gods that lived in the sky, ruling the earth with kind and loving hands. Some say those are just stories, but I don't believe that.
The gods rule us still. They have come down from the stars. And they are no longer kind."
I received this book in an Uppercase Box last year, and was super excited to read it. The plot sounded original and intriguing. I was definitely not disappointed! The author creates a dark and eerily realistic world in which readers get to understand the characters, their motivations, and their stories. Highly recommend to everyone, and I'm super excited to read the sequel, as well!
I bought this book on a whim so I could read it before the movie adaptation came out (still haven't watched that movie...). I finished it in a few days, and it kept me interested until the end, but I can't say the twist at the end was entirely surprising. Overall, I enjoyed this book, and would recommend it to anyone who loves a good YA read.
Considering I own three copies of this book, it's surprising that I have not yet finished it, and I'll probably never finish it. Clariel lacks the character development present in the original trilogy. For now, DNF, which is sad for me, because this book is the backstory of a villain I find very interesting in the original trilogy. Maybe I'll finish Clariel one day, but for now, I have more interesting characters to meet.
The Abhorsen trilogy is, hands down, one of my favorites. I can re-read it time and time again, and it feels like the first time. Garth Nix weaves such complexity into every character, setting, and plot. I recommend these books to everyone, regardless of which genre they prefer to read! Pick x 1000.
*Clariel and Goldenhand, pictured, are extensions of the original trilogy*
I bought the first book super cheap at Half Price Books, read it in 5 hours, and immediately bought the rest of the series. Easily one of my favorites! If you're looking for a high fantasy series with interesting characters and magical elements, check this one out.
Eh. This book had me until the very last few pages. I would have liked it much more if the ending was cut-and-dry. As it is, it was very ambiguous, so much that it "ruined" the book for me. The rest of the book kept me interested, though, and I would recommend it to anyone who doesn't mind "draw your own conclusion" endings.
This review was comprised entirely of the word "AHHHHHH!", before I decided to type something coherent and useful. If you enjoy novels about space travel, badass heroines, corrupted Artificial Intelligence (or was he?), and stories that leave you on the edge of your seat and craving the sequel, definitely pick this up.