The reason why Lisbeth behaved like she did was unveiled and i felt pity for her. The system could destroy a person, so choose your policymakers wisely.
The reason why Lisbeth behaved like she did was unveiled and i felt pity for her. The system could destroy a person, so choose your policymakers wisely.
Despite the utopian-like world depicted in this book, it is actually rather dystopian. The book starts with introducing the civilized world with soma substance, and it transitioned to the introduction of savage world outside london. The book managed to discuss about freedom and the price you pay to be happy.
Cerita yang menarik pada awalnya. Namun terlihat tergesa2 di penghujung cerita. Mungkin 4 hari untuk Roho tidak cukup. Di helaian2 belakang ada kumpulan cerpen yang mencuit hati. Bahkan ada memakai nama2 yang dikenali ramai seperti Firdaus Abdillah dan Mutalib.
A nice book featuring notable philosophers according to several eras. I can see how philosophy is progressing over the years although i forgot what is the trigger for the earliest ones.
Although the book mainly teaches about combat using swords and other weapons, i find some quotes can be applied in everyday life, too. For example, when we face our enemies, always look ahead towards their eyes with confidence. The same as when we meet and talk with other people, it is important to be or appear confident. Can be considered as a self help book.
Basically a book that tells the reader about the origin of Noise movement in Japan and the philosophy of Noise. Not that fun to read but by the time i reach the last three chapters i can enjoy the book. In the beginning, not so much because the author talked about the Noise scene in Japan.
Buku ini membincangkan isu rasuah dan sebab utama rasuah terjadi. Perkara lain yang turut dibincangkan adalah kesan rasuah terhadap individu, masyarakat dan seterusnya negara. Sebuah buku yang banyak memberi contoh-contoh rasuah
I don't really enjoy this book but it is a bit interesting to see a world ruled by the axis. The story was too jumbled up for me.
Bertentangan dengan peristiwa 9 mei 2018, rampasan tampuk pimpinan dalam buku ini ada pertumpahan darah. Entah tahu entah tidak penulis ini akan masa depan malaysia. Pasti dia paling awal bersorak tempoh hari. Jalan cerita yang okay, ada unsur kelakar sedikit.
At some point in our lives we will be given the opportunity to meet someone that we often misunderstood but actually is a good person through and through. That's charlotte, the arachnid fellow that befriended a lovely pig. She dedicated her life to helping her friend survive the world and left her legacy before departure.
This is a story about orwell himself, living in poverty in both paris and london. Poverty is something that no one will ever wanted to get back to, but it can teach one's soul to see things differently and understand human being.
Sebuah buku yang menceritakan sisi lain sejarah tanah melayu sebelum merdeka. Sisi lain itu adalah daripada pandangan komunis.
It's about an albino kid fell in love with an American blonde girl and blinded by love, literally speaking