This books a very quick read, I think it really got to its point of why Tish is needing someone to talk to and how she just needs someone or even something. Now i didn't really understand it to great but it was still an amazing read.
This books a very quick read, I think it really got to its point of why Tish is needing someone to talk to and how she just needs someone or even something. Now i didn't really understand it to great but it was still an amazing read.
This girl Stella, she's living this lie and you can just tell she hates it and dealing with her consequences in the end is what really solves her problems. This book was crazy easy for me to get through and I think I really understood the point; over all it's a great read.
I read this book over the weekend and I really got into it a just had it laying around and I read it and they way that it just all flows together, I just love. Quick reads like this are some of my favourite books to read becuase there's just so little amount of pages but I feel like there's always more story to it. I felt like I was actually in the book.
It's kinda a harder read for me because I couldn't really figure out the point. It's definitely a book that I'm gonna wait a bit to go back too. Although if you want a little harder of a read it's a good book.
This book was an amazing read but to make sure you really get what she's trying to say you really have to take a second and think. Overall I read this book in about 15 minutes, it's a great read.
It's a great read in my opinion. There's just certain points in the book where it get a little hard to understand what's going on and it takes some time to put the peices together but over all a great read.
This is officially one of my favourite books. It has a wonderful message that you need to speak up and say something. Mel she's going threw this traumatic experience in high school and it's hard to speak up to it and when she did they didn't belive her and said she was lying. So I feel like she didn't say anything after that because she felt like eventually it would just go away and she would be forgotten back to the way it was before.
I'm not even half way done the book but I just relate to all of the feeling Mel is talking about, and how I can just read i sentence I relate to it completely. It's already a great read.
This book is a great read, pretty easy to get into and just has a great meaning to it.