Ditching Zero K for now because I just can't — almost forgot about it. But I'm pretty excited about Novik's Uprooted 🙌🏼
Ditching Zero K for now because I just can't — almost forgot about it. But I'm pretty excited about Novik's Uprooted 🙌🏼
Read my review on Vicious at The Nerd Daily: http://www.thenerddaily.com/review-vicious-by-v-e-schwab/
Sophie's not going to have any of your drama, Howl.
I'm about to finish the book and this has probably been the fastest I've read so far. It's an easy read with witty dialogue and fab characters. Don't expect it to be like Hayao Miyazaki's adaptation though.
This is my favorite short story so far in Gaiman's collection.
Launched in 2012, The Classics Club inspires readers to pick up and write about classics that excites, daunts, and/or interests them. You decide how many books you‘d like to read (or tackle – most of them can be daunting) within the next 5 years. Fun, isn‘t it? Here's the 1st from the 100 on my list
"If you want to be a writer, you must do two things above all others: read a lot and write a lot."
It's a sad reality that there are still places in the world where being a girl is not celebrated.