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(1/3) In Where the Mountain Meets the Moon, Minli and her two parents are struggling to make ends meet, and only have enough to afford to eat bowls of rice. Minli‘s father tells her of various folktales, while her mom does not want her to waste time believing in “made-up stories”. In order to bring her family fortune, Minli sets off to find the Old Man of the Moon, who knows the answer to everything.

gabe.anoos (2/3) Along her journey, she meets a talking fish, a powerful king, a dragon who cannot fly, and various other people on her travels. At the pinnacle of her journey, MInli meets the sought Old Man of the Moon and because of her situation, she does not ask the question that she had wanted to. If you like books that teach you about a new culture, as well as teach valuable life lessons, then I would definitely recommend this book!
gabe.anoos (3/3) The point of view in this novel is third-person omniscient, which means that the author tells the story through two or more people. In the novel, the story changes views from multiple characters. The majority of the chapters are told from Minli‘s point of view, although sometimes it changes to Minli‘s parents or other supporting characters. Overall, I really enjoyed this book and it is definitely one of my favourites!
MissYaremcio This looks so sweet Gabe! Nicely done! 6/6 1y
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Kya is a swamp girl whose family has slowly left her one by one. Now, she‘s living with her abusive father, who she barely speaks to. Kya has to fend for herself in the swamp, cooking and finding food for herself, and travelling to the town to buy supplies. If you like books that are set during an older time period and are about a character‘s struggles and their ability to overcome them, then you will enjoy this book.

gabe.anoos One theme in the book is independence vs. human connection because Kya has started to fend for herself ever since she was a small child, which means that she‘s had little to no communication with other people. Along with living in the swamp, she is very isolated from the neighbouring town and she is very cast out with the townspeople. 1y
MissYaremcio Nicely done Gabe! 6/6 1y
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