"It is easy to see how a child, thus endowed, would, in the course of eleven years, entwine himself round the hearts of those who knew him best."
"It is easy to see how a child, thus endowed, would, in the course of eleven years, entwine himself round the hearts of those who knew him best."
"I'm sorry to tell you this, but that is how the story goes"
Part I: 🦃 Part II: 🐇 Part III: 🐖
Cozy rainy day with Bryan Stevenson. Incredibly thought provoking read
When your book matches you blanket. Hope my blanket doesn't start glowing!
"This is the sort of story that drew me to military science - the quiet esoteric battles with less considered adversaries: exhaustion, shock, bacteria, panic, ducks."
Mary Roach is at it again with laugh out loud science writing ?
Have been in a reading rut but thoroughly enjoying this book!
Working my way through Chris Cleave's new book and enjoying bookshop's sidewalk eye candy
When a book has a flipbook animation on the bottom of the pages, you know it's gonna be great