‘ god‘s truth, the mad fear nothing … you‘d have to be mad to obey captain armand when he whistles for the attack, knowing there‘s almost no chance you‘ll come home alive‘ 5/5
‘ god‘s truth, the mad fear nothing … you‘d have to be mad to obey captain armand when he whistles for the attack, knowing there‘s almost no chance you‘ll come home alive‘ 5/5
‘ i cannot stand the idea that he could be taken from me. that i could lose him. i discover for the first time- poor idiot- this stabbing pain of love.‘ 4.5/5 ; loved the poetic writing style of the author.
‘fear increases when it‘s something that you keep to yourself. instead of suffering alone, it can often be good to share it with someone else, like you‘re doing now.‘ ; therapy sessions for free . 4.2/5
‘anyway, you can be sure of one thing , a man‘s got to fake just to stay alive.‘ 4.5/5
‘ i find it difficult to understand the kind of human being who lives, or who is sure he can live, purely, happily, serenely while engaged in deceit.‘ 5*/5 the book i‘ll surely come back to and read once again. masterpiece.
‘nothing's ever the same," she said. "be it a second later or a hundred years. it's always churning and roiling. and people change as much as oceans.‘ ; 3.25/5
‘ she‘s walking east to west, and i west to east. it‘s a really nice April morning.‘
‘ most people have done bad stuff at some point in their lives , stuff they wish to take back, stuff they regret. we all make mistakes. we all have good and bad in us. just because someone does one terrible thing, should that overshadow all the good things they‘ve done? or are there some things so bad that no good act can redeem them? ‘ 5/5 ; perfect book for gloomy autumn weather
‘ as long as you keep secrets and suppress information, you are fundamentally at war with yourself. hiding your core feelings takes an enormous amount of energy, it saps your motivation to pursue worthwhile goals, and it leaves you feeling bored and shut down.‘ 5/5
‘ oddly enough, many of us connect with each other through trauma and pain : broken people finding other broken people in the hopes of fixing one another. ‘ 4/5
‘ why is it that people think this is okay? why do people see no harm in having children? they do it with smiles on their faces, as if it‘s not an act of violence. you force this other being into the world, this being than never asked to be born. you do this absurd thing because that‘s what you want for yourself, and that doesn‘t make any sense ‘. 5/5