FINALLY got my hands on this book! Anxious to dive back in to the world of Nazi Germany.
FINALLY got my hands on this book! Anxious to dive back in to the world of Nazi Germany.
I kept telling myself things would eventually slow down.
Who was I kidding?
#openingline #storyofmylife
...the the point where even the things I love to do sound like obligations, and all my deepest desires and fantasies involve sleep and being left alone. My greatest dream is to be left alone? Things have gone terribly awry. #presentoverperfect
We know what the world wants from us. We know we must decide whether to stay small, quiet, and uncomplicated or allow ourselves to be as big, loud, and complex as we were made to be. Every girl must decide whether to be true to herself or true to the world. #lovewarrior
Inspiration and information without personal application will never amount to transformation.
Rejection steals the security of all we thought was beautiful and stable and leaves us scared and fragile and more vulnerable than ever.