An interesting concept. I can‘t really place my finger on what I felt was missing but I just wanted more in some way.
An interesting concept. I can‘t really place my finger on what I felt was missing but I just wanted more in some way.
Another interesting read. Felt like more of a group of life lesson essays, but I like the idea that everyone has something new to teach you.
“You will soon discover that everybody has an inner nerd waiting to be awoken by the right passion.” #nerdsunite
I sped through this so fast, I didn‘t even have time to post about it. Loved it - and totally did not guess the plot twist!
I really appreciate how Bill Nye finds a way to make concepts more accessible to those of us who aren‘t as savvy with the technical terms or science behind them. This is was definitely an easier read than his first book, but there were still parts that dragged or I would need to re-read to fully grasp. Hands down though - it‘s important to stay informed and this helps.
“Wherever you find yourselves, you are all pebbles from the same beach. Look after each other.” I really enjoyed this one - cringe-worthy at times, but a nice message that after all the twists and turns in life you can find your way home to your family.
This book was just fantastic - hysterical, heartwarming, and beautiful. It hit really close to home and I loved every second of it. A must read!
“We always think there‘s enough time to do things with other people. Time to say things to them. And then something happens and then we stand there holding on to words like ‘if‘.” So true.
It was clear from the beginning that she had passed away...but this still hurt my soul 😭 “He was a man of black and white. And she was color. All the color he had.”
It reminded me so much of how I always loved Greek Mythology. An interesting take and definitely a page-turner!
“But perhaps no parent can truly see their child. When we look we see only the mirror of our own faults.”
“But in a solitary life, there are rare moments when another soul dips near yours, as stars once a year brush the earth. Such a constellation was he to me.”
I can‘t even really explain it - I just loved everything about this book. The characters, how the story was structured, the story itself...a great read!
“...her train of thought having not only derailed but jumped the tracks entirely, driven over a cliff and crashed one hundred feet into a ravine below, killing everyone on board.” I just love this description - perfectly explains my train of thought sometimes haha.
When you realize book club is this weekend and you have to get reading!! 😂📖🤯
This. I want to punch him for her.
Apparently I left my review on a different version of the book lol... A little slow at first, but once you get familiar with the characters, it was like a car crash you can‘t look away from. Definitely am left feeling a little depressed about humanity at the moment.
I loved it! Such an interesting concept, twists that I definitely was not expecting, and a story that had me refusing to put the book down until I was done. Memories are definitely a precious thing.
I always love a book that takes a classic story and tells it from a new perspective. Although, I will admit that I like some of the changes that the musical makes better. 🧹💚🙊
Rereading a favorite!
A very interesting book with such a great message about living life to the fullest. I liked the way it was structured, following each sibling through their time and revelations. The last bit from Ruby‘s perspective was a fitting ending, I think, bringing that idea of the world of opportunities and life around you into focus.
A perfect night - curled up with the pup getting ready to start a new book 📚💕
“Her family half carried Terri Weedon back down the royal blue carpet, and the congregation averted its eyes.”
If only all of the Krystal Weedon‘s of the world had a Barry Fairbrother to encourage and believe in them.
“He never seemed to grasp the immense mutability of human nature, nor to appreciate that behind every nondescript face lay a wild and unique hinterland like his own.”
Such an amazing book - eye-opening, heart breaking, and something that completely changes your perspective. “For you, a thousand times over.”