“They say that the hearts of the dead are never silent. They say that they live on, beat on, love on forever. But what of the hearts of the living?”
“They say that the hearts of the dead are never silent. They say that they live on, beat on, love on forever. But what of the hearts of the living?”
“Fear lodges itself in my throat. I‘ve read stories like this in English class. About birthmarks that symbolize morality, skin deformities that mark someone evil.”
“I‘m allowed to be afraid, I remind myself, taking a deep breath of the hot, stale hallway air. I‘m just not allowed to run away.”
“Grief is a powerful thing, and sometimes, if it‘s ignored, we can become lost in it.”
“For someone grieving, moving forward is the challenge. Because after extreme loss, you want to go back.”
“I deserved to be haunted, I thought, and then I finally, passed out.”
“Even when it‘s not pretty or perfect. Even when it‘s more real than you want it to be. Your story is what you have, what you will always have. It is something to own.”
Being vulnerable, letting people in, getting hurt... it‘s all part of being in love.
People come in and out of your life. For a time they are your world; they are everything. And then one day they‘re not. There‘s no telling how long you will have them near.
Love is scary:it changes; it can go away. That‘s part of the risk. I don‘t want to be scared anymore.
“I wake up in the middle of the night thinking about coffee. Is Lorelai drinking enough coffee? Personally, I‘m practically made of the stuff at this point, but I make a mental note to ensure she is too.”
“It was like I‘d been living half asleep. And was now waking up to see how things really were.”
“Should we bake a cake with a file hidden inside?” Varric
“There‘s no easy way to break off any relationship. It‘s like the mozzarella cheese on a good slice of pizza. No matter how far you pull the slice away from your mouth it just gets thinner and longer but never snaps. Of course you could always just eat your pizza with a knife and fork, but I think this is clearly what‘s known as “pushing the cheese analogy.””
“I think I must have been some kind of feline in a previous life as whenever I saw a black marker pen on my desk I had to put it on my face! I don‘t think I ever actually explained it.” Phil
“Our Love is like chicken in the back of the fridge. I know it‘s expired, I‘m not ready to throw it away.”
"The bird flew away with a final shrill cry. I glanced down at my palm- and saw a tiny glint of silver. The missing charm has been found." -Sabine
"Waking up to find a cute guy on your bed might be a dream come true for some girls. But not me. Especially when the guy was dead- and some people think I killed him." -Sabine
"Sure the ball gave off strange vibes, but that's what made it fascinating. Antiques often carried energy from the past- the older they were- the stronger the energy. From the moment I held the ball, I'd been intrigued by the strange aura I sensed within its depth." -Sabine
"My grandmother's voice was hushed, the lines of her face accentuated by soft lamplight, as she began to talk. In the quiet of the night, I could almost pretend the three of us- Nona, Dominic, and I- were sitting around a campfire telling ghost stories. Instead, we were inside Dominic's loft apartment and Nona wasn't telling us tales. The truth was far scarier than fiction." Sabine
"She could light up a room with her smile. And she could really light one up with her flamethrower." Bo Burnham
"There was no controlling my gift, only learning to live with it-which I didn't want to do. The more I used my sixth sense, the stronger it would become. Then I'd never be free of other worlds." Sabine
"I've learned, in my tragic little life, that memories are like water. Not solid, like some people think. Once something happens, it isn't set in stone. It can change. You can make yourself believe anything if you lie to yourself enough." -Kaitlyn Johnson
This book had me hooked from the first chapter. It takes you on an emotional roller coaster with a thrilling storyline and then leaves you at the end emotionally wrecked. If you like great storytelling with that involves witchcraft and some paranormal than this book is for you.
I hardly knew Hannah Baker. I mean, I wanted to. I wanted to know her more than I had the chance. We never had the chance to get closer. And not once did I take her for granted. Not once. -Clay Jensen-