ADSOM will always be one of my favorite series & I'm obviously very excited for V.E.'s next books!💕
ADSOM will always be one of my favorite series & I'm obviously very excited for V.E.'s next books!💕
"It is impossible to escape this world unscathed.
So embrace this m e s s y
un certain existence
and live."
this book is so good omg
"The idea that if a thing went unsaid, it didn't really exist, because words had power, words gave weight and shape and force, and the withholding of them could keep a thing from being real."
can someone please tell me why all v.e. schwab's books are perfect?
"...never trust someone who doesn't own books, even classics and bestsellers just to pretend they read."
I present to you my new life motto
Since same-sex marriage in Germany was legalized today, I thought it would be appropriate to post this✨
Now, as for my thoughts on the book "tagged", I haven't read it but it's V.E. Schwab so I have absolutely 0 doubts that it will be amazing & that I'll love it?
This is seriously one of the best trilogies I've ever read & everyone should pick it up💖
I was very excited to read this book since I had absolutely loved the Bad Girls Don't Die trilogy by the same author. The book did not live up to my excitement. The main character's family is just plainly annoying + mc was also kinda annoying. Needless to say, I don't recommend this book🍃
"Knowledge is dangerous"
I'm currently reading this book & I can say that it's great.
"I spent my life folded between the pages of books."
I can 100% recommend this trilogy to anyone. It's very good & one of my faves✨
I'm kinda getting a hang on this & I'm liking it a lot! But while I try to fully understand it, enjoy a photo of the books that have destroyed me🌚🍃