The amount of times that Danny has had to say “I‘ve never been a boy” is breaking my heart. This book is great though.
The amount of times that Danny has had to say “I‘ve never been a boy” is breaking my heart. This book is great though.
“We dread the quaint, the tubed lawn furniture. We dread the empty knots of language. We twist them, stack them for kindling. We dread the time bombs, inevitable, random”
Got this lovely from the Seattle Public Library and I‘m very excited to read poetry again.
Not really a memoir person, but this was delightful. It felt a bit exploitative of the folks who work the show, but I suppose any person who joins a show for a season and writes about it would feel that way.
Finally grabbed this beauty from work. I LOVE sharks, and this sounds like the exact type of thing I would love to read. I also think the lovely lady on the cover is the girl I wanna get tattooed on me. Very excite.
It was incomprehensible then, and it is still incomprehensible to Seattle detectives, that Georgeann Hawkins could vanish so completely within the space of forty feet.
This is the single hardest book I have ever tried to read. Do not recommend.
My little true crime loving heart is so happy to finally have a copy of this.