All she had needed was the certainty of his love, and his reassurance that there was no hurry when a lifetime lay ahead of them. Love and patience - if only he had had them both at once - would surely have seen them both through.
All she had needed was the certainty of his love, and his reassurance that there was no hurry when a lifetime lay ahead of them. Love and patience - if only he had had them both at once - would surely have seen them both through.
Obey your instincts to create and love and learn. Obey the universal laws of consciousness, that everything you think or say or do has an effect greater than zero, even if it‘s only an effect on yourself, which is why you must try to minimise the negative in what you think and say and do, and maximise the positive. Obey the instinct to forgive, and share with others. Obey your faith. And obey your heart. Your heart will never lie to you.