Photo 3
"Gansey moved through the skeletons as if in a dream, his face caught with wonder and caution." The look on Gansey's face kinda made me think of the way children hunt Easter eggs. More photos to come
Thought it would be funny to drink tea out of a fox mug while reading a book where the main character lives on 300 Fox Way.
"Queens and kings
Kings and queens
Blue lily, lily blue
Crowns and birds
Swords and things
Blue lily, lily blue"
"Where words fail, music speaks." -Hans Christian Anderson
I always feel a little like Gansey when looking at my book shelves.... In other news this is my March TBR. It may change or roll over into next month.
A book with Latin in it and a book to teach you a Latin-based language, French.
An awesome book bought with an awesome friend.
Tea? Check. Amazing book? Check. I think I'm ready to hit the road.
How I survive orchestra when the 1st violins aren't playing.