When the dedication starts out to the girls at the author's hair salon, it has to be a great book, right?
This is pure gold! In light of everything going on in our world, this simple truth rings loud and clear. Different isn't bad or scary or wrong - in fact, it is beautiful when we learn to embrace it!
My new stack of books! Looking forward to Jennifer Dukes Lee'a latest -- The Happiness Dare. Her first book, Love Idol, is one I have returned to time and again. I feel pretty sure #thehappinessdare will be the same.
In light of everything happening in our world the past few weeks, I find myself loving this sentence even more. What if kindness and respect trumped not just curiosity but also fear and anger and ignorance?
I loved this short volume of O'Connor's prayer while I student. Encouraging but deeply honest. I found myself nodding along and also chuckling as she wrote sentences I might never dare record.
Also liked the inclusion of the handwritten pages of her journal at the end.
"When we compare and compete, we divide ... But when we connect, we bridge."
Sharing how their family has learned what true beauty is through the life of sweet Brenna, Courtney invites all of us to reimagine what beauty is in our world.
Poignant storytelling full of grace, hope, and challenge.
"When God gets hold of you and me, He redeems the legacies we inherited and the ones we're passing on."
Reading through the Bible this summer. I love using the NLT when I am reading big chunks of Scripture. This Bible has some great devotional and informational material included but is definitely not a study Bible.
Another book I added to my Kindle on vacation. I have read several of Henderson's books and liked them. Hopeful this will be another good read.
This one has started slow. I am normally a fan of Picoult but I can't get engaged in this story. Hoping it picks up.
Another great vacation read. I love books that come full circle and this one did.
Oh. My. Gosh. The perfect vacation read! Beautiful storytelling and masterful plot with characters you can't help but love.
Quindlen's books always leave me wanting to read one more chapter ... the characters edge their ways into my heart. This story is no exception.
Let the vacation reading begin.
"Give me the courage to stand the pain to get the grace, Oh Lord."
What a powerful and humbling prayer.
So excited to receive an advanced copy of this one. Courtney is a lovely soul and Brenna's story is beautiful in every way. #ADifferentBeautiful #writerfriends
Picked this up today at Landmark Booksellers in Franklin, TN. Looking forward to reading the book and highly recommend this indie bookstore.
Like Samson, when we view a particular strength as the product of our obedience to God, we will use that strength to serve ourselves rather than to serve God and others.