A quirky book that can be enjoyed by people of all ages. Some of them are a little hit or miss but I quite enjoyed the overall experience. The illustrations are quite cute too.
A quirky book that can be enjoyed by people of all ages. Some of them are a little hit or miss but I quite enjoyed the overall experience. The illustrations are quite cute too.
Okay, the book covers the everyday life of a bookseller in Wigtown. The content in the book details one year of Shaun Bythell's life. The book is full off sarcasm and witt which I just loved. I also loved the quirky character's in Shaun's life. The book also talks about the struggles of running a book store. The book is funny but is deep and sad at times too.
#wigtown #booksaboutbookstores
A brilliant nonfiction book that details the rise and the fall of Theranos a company that claimed to have an idea for a revolusionary medicare device which would turn out to be the biggest fraud in Silicon Valley history. The book reads like a thriller and anyone with interest in corporate fraud stories should read this.